Tuesday 26 March 2013

The tweep up

Well it finally happened! A little less than a week ago, David McKendrick and Amanda Taylor and I met at UCLan to review and analyse the data we collated during the live twitter debate on 14th February.

We spent the day locked in a lecture theatre in Adelphi building discussing the responses to the surveys which our participants completed before and after the  twitter debate. There were some really interesting findings about the resources Social Work students in both countries choose to use and how they compliment their formal studies with social media and social networking sites.
We are of course thrilled that our paper has been accepted at the forthocming JSWEC 2013 conference in July, and we spent a part of the session discussing our plans for that. Watch this space....
We will be meeting up again next time in Scotland we hope when we will finalise our paper and our presentation for the conference. In the meantime we will be working on e mails, on twitter and Adobe Connect to keep connected and ensure we continue having a dialogue, sharing our thoughts and intepretation of the data and our findings.