Friday, 7 March 2014

HEA Twitter project

Last April along with other tweepers and social media in social work groupies from across the UK, I attended a workshop at Birmingham University funded by HEA. Tarsem Singh Cooner @Akali655 and Chris Allen @DrChrisAllen facilitated the event.  It's fair to say we all left the building (some of us had to be escorted out) as high as kites and on fire with enthusiasm. . The HEA encouraged us to bid for funding to follow up and develop some of the ideas we discussed on that day. I put in a bid for a project to develop a media resource to encourage social work academcis to use Twitter in theIR teaching and research.I was delighted receive an award the Changing the Learning Landscape project. A short progress report is now due.
In October three students from the School of Journalism, Media and Communication @WebsterMugavazi @TonderayiMach @AMLabelle started to work with me on the project. This is part of their final year studies for their degree.  They have designed a film which will instruct academics in some of the features of  Twitter to get them started with the basics of running a twitter account.  I saw a short version of this in December,  the film is now complete and I will be having a preview next week. The team are making a second film which will instruct viewers in how to make the most of twitter as a teaching resource, and how to use some of the advanced functions. Earlier this week I submitted an abstract about the film project to @jswec conference and I am keeping my fingers crossed that I am successful. I hope to use the opportunity @jswec to formally launch the films. There will be a full preview here @UCLanSocialWork in May and I have a growing list of sceptical but interested colleagues who are keen to come along and pilot test the films.
The films will be available on-line sometime later this year along with instructions on how to facilitate a seminar/webinar to use them.

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