Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Social Media and Digital Technology for Social Work practice

It's been a long time in the planning but it's been well worth it. I have been working  with David McKendrick from GCU and Jon Bolton from the University of Dundee to plan a conference about social media in social work practice. We have been sponsored by the SSSC to hold the event at the Stirling Court Hotel on 8th February 2016.

The three of us hatched the plan for the conference as we recognised that there were pockets of good practice happening and we thought it would be helpful to provide opportunities to share the practice and for social workers to think about what social media and digital technologies could contribute to practice.

There's been a massive amount of interest in this event and we've got a great line up of presenters, who are all innovators in their fields. We have Amanda Taylor one of JISC's top 50 social media influencers hosting our Innovation Station at the conference. The general idea is that practitioners can come along and talk to our tech team about ideas they have for introducing social media into their practice. Our team will discuss the technical, governance and practical aspects of these ideas and explore how they can be taken forward into practice.

We are thrilled that Dr Tarsem Singh Cooner the designer of the Social Media for Social Work App will be demonstrating how this can be used in practice. Dr Anne Campbell is also coming along to talk about several Apps she has been involved in developing for social work training and practice. As well as academics we have several practitioners from across Scotland who will be talking about how they are using social media to support service users and carers.

There's still a lot of work for us to do but we are really excited to be launching the conference
programme and looking forward to having lots of discussions about how we can make effective use of digital technologies and social media in social work practice.

Booking details and further information available here:

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Social media in social work practice: conference

I'm very lucky to be working with David McKendrick from GCU and Jon Bolton from The University of Dundee on this conference funded by SSSC. It will be held on 8th February 2016 at the Stirling Court Hotel and we have a fantastic programme of speakers and workshops. The conference will invite participants to think about how they can use digital technologies and social media in social work practice and we will have experts on hand to test out ideas and look for how they can be implemented in practice. The programme will be launched in the next couple of weeks and bookings can be made on eventbrite. Watch this space for further details and reserve your place as this promises to be a very popular event.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Social work education :not just "common sense"

I was invited by The Guardian to write a blog about social work education: see link below.

My motivation to write about this issue stems from my desire to ensure that current students and those about to embark on their social work education develop as knowledgeable, reflective and critically aware social work practitioners, and avail themselves of the wide range of additional opportunities which a university education can bring. The Guardian blog explores some of these. I might have added that university education exposes students to knowledge derived from a long standing commitment by the profession to continuously improve practice and service users experiences through rigorous research and inquiry. Familiarity with new technologies and digital competence are also much needed skills for social work practice and  are central to university education.  Social work practitioners  need to be equipped with critical thinking skills, and the confidence and abilities to challenge "common sense" thinking and be emotionally literate. I am not suggesting that private training providers can't facilitate this, I am however suggesting that the emphasis on producing social workers who can "do the job" is driven by ideology. The education of social workers does not end once they begin to practice, indeed their continuing professional development is critical, and the current governments' interest in social work might be better oriented towards supporting and resourcing CPD in the same way that other human service professions are.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Social Media Strategy

First things first: this isn't the actual strategy but thoughts and ideas about what a strategy might contain. Practical advice and suggestions seem to be a good starting point to get people on board initially. In the School of Applied Social Science (SASS) University of Stirling we have developed and delivered several activities to help us to inform our strategy. A small group of us@urbaneprofessor @vikki_mccall  recognised the potential for collaboration in developing our use of social media in research and teaching and so we combined our efforts to apply for school funds which enabled us to employ a research student @Kane_Needham  to assist us with data collection . We designed a survey which was disseminated to staff in SASS, this gathered their experiences of using social media in research and teaching as well as facilitators and barriers. Three of us delivered a seminar about how we had used social media in our own teaching and for research, this generated plenty of discussion and questions. We hosted a social media surgery which allowed people to drop in and ask questions about using social media and try out some social media activities, this was well received and we added 3 new people to Twitter!  We will be carrying out qualitative interviews with a small sample of the survey participants and we will be presenting some initial findings at the School Research Away Day in June. More on the developing strategy soon.